-Summer Denbo Fellow Residency at Pyramid Atlantic Art Center, Hyattsville, MD 2023
https://pyramidatlanticartcenter.org/artist-opportunities/denbo-fellowships/ |

- ‘Found in Translation: Explorations by 8 Contemporary Artists,’ Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, MO 2022-2023
- Summer Artist in Residency at the Morgan Papermaking Conservatory, Cleveland, OH 2021
https://www.morganconservatory.org/artist-residencies |

- 'Immeasurable' won 'Best in Show' of ‘2021 National Prize Show,’ Juried National Art Competition, Kathryn Schultz
Gallery, Cambridge Art Association, Cambridge, MA
Gallery, Cambridge Art Association, Cambridge, MA

- 'Paper Routes: Women to Watch 2020,’ Invitational Exhibition of National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington DC https://nmwa.org/exhibitions/paper-routes-women-to-watch-2020/
- Virtual Exhibition Tour - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbSJQKpv93g
- Artist Talk -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TZFgS1mkK8&list=PL1boWZ4URBmqSrIiM5lztCiUhUGCzGbPV&index=3&t=257s

- Featuring Visual Artist for 17th Annual ArtsKC Award at KC Conventional Center Kay Barnes Ballroom

- ‘Look Me in the Eye: Portraits of Kansas City,’Juried Exhibition, Juried by Mike Lyon and Elizabeth Kirsch, Epsten Gallery, Kansas City, MO http://epstengallery.org

-‘Narratives: Hyeyoung Shin 2008-2018,’ Invitational Exhibition, The Studios Inc., Kansas City, MO
- ‘Paper Routes: Women to Watch,’ Juried Curatorial Group Exhibition, Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art,
https://www.kemperart.org/exhibitions/paper-routes–women-watch-2020 KC Studio art writer Dana Self's article about the exhibition http://kcstudio.org/paper-routes-women-to-watch-2020-kemper-museum-of-contemporary-art/ |
- ‘Now/Here,’ Invitational Group Exhibition from Kansas City Region, Kansas City Art Institute H&R Block Artspace, Kansas City, MO https://kcai.edu/artspace/artspace-exhibitions/
Brian Hearn's article for the show on the KC Studio http://kcstudio.org/now-here-h-r-block-artspace-at-the-kansas-city-art-institute/ |
- ‘Through the Lens,’ Curatorial Exhibition of Women Artists from The Studios Inc., Kansas City, MO
Aaron Turner's article for the show studiosinc.org/news-and-writings-archive/2019/through-the-lens-review
Aaron Turner's article for the show studiosinc.org/news-and-writings-archive/2019/through-the-lens-review

- 'Art on Paper,' Juried Group Exhibition, Weatherspoon Art Museum of University of North Carolina Greensboro, Greensboro, NC

- 'Anecdotal or Lyrical Fear ,' print-based installation will be up from Jan. 18th through Feb. 23rd at PLUG Project, Kansas City, MO https://www.plugprojects.com/event/anecdotal-or-lyrical-fear/

- ‘What We Talk About When We Talk About Print,’ Selected Themed Exchange Portfolio, ‘Go West: A Collaborative Turn’ 2018 Mid America Print Council Conference, Visual Art Gallery, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY

- ‘The Kansas City Collection V 2018- 19 Launching Showcases,’ POPULUS, Kansas City, MO

-‘Impression: An Exploration of Contemporary Printmaking,’ Juried Group Exhibition, Artwork Loveland Fine Art Gallery, Loveland, CO

-‘Place/ Meaningful Space,’ Juried Themed Exchange Portfolio, ‘Altered Landscape’ 2018 Southern Graphic Council International Printmaking Conference, Las Vegas, NV

-‘PAPER WEST,’ National Work on Paper Juried Exhibition, Alvin Gittins Gallery, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT http://www.art.utah.edu/event/paper-west-exhibition/
-‘Current States,’ Invitational Printmaking Exhibition of the Art & Design Gallery, School of Arts, Kansas State University, Lawrence, KS https://lawrenceartscenter.org/event/current-states-ku-art-design-gallery/

-‘2017 Louisiana International Printmaking Exhibition,’ Juried Exhibition of the School of Design, Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA

- ‘3rd GLOBAL PRINT 2017,’Invitational Curatorial Printmaking International Biennale, Douro Museum, Bienal Do Douro | Global Print, Alijo, Portugal

-'Unapologetic,' drawing-based installation will be up from March 10th through April 14th at Studio Inc. Kansas City, MO thestudiosinc.org
Elizabeth Kirsch's review for the exhibition is on KC STUDIO
Elizabeth Kirsch's review for the exhibition is on KC STUDIO

-'Lingers I' got accepted in ‘Currency,’ 11th Turner National Print Competition, Juried Exhibition of the Janet Turner Print Museum, California State University, Chico, CA http://connect.csuchico.edu/s/1751/wide.aspx?sid=1751&pgid=536&gid=2&cid=1260&ecid=1260&post_id=0

-'Blessing' was included in invited group show ‘Home, Hearth, and Heart,’ Invitational Group Show, Curated by Kathy Liao, Potter Gallery, Missouri Western University, St. Joseph, MO https://www.missouriwestern.edu/art/art-gallery/current-exhibition/
'Unseen' presented in 'Contemporary Printmaking in America' at the Foundazione Il Bisonte, Florence, Italy. Curated by Andrew DeCaen http://www.ilbisonte.it/2016/09/contemporary-american-prints/?lang=en

- Got accepted into 2017 Spring Residency at the Scuola Internazionale di Grafica, Venice, Italy. www.veniceprintmaking.com/residency-programs/independent-residencies/

-'Prayer's Feet' was included in 'Dialogue in Printmaking' presented at the Instituto Cultural Peruano Norte Americano, Lima, Peru http://cultural.icpna.edu.pe/5-big-dialogues-in-printmaking/
- 'Unapologetic (working title),' 2016 June Residency in Vermont Studio Center: Special thanks to ArtKC Inspiration grant and University of Missouri Research Board grant to facilitate this project possible.
- One of my drawings from 'Blessing' ‘shows at 'It Figures: The Body in Art,’ Juried Exhibition of the ARC Gallery and Educational Fpundation, Chicago, IL 2016 www.arcgallery.org/it-figures-the-body-in-art/
- ‘Trans-Dimensional Printmaking,’ Invited Group Exhibition, Organized by Linda Jules, Northwest Pacific College of Art, 2016 Southern Graphic Council International Printmaking Conference, Portland, OR

-Awarded Three-year 2016-18 Studio Residency at the STUDIO INC.
I am thrilled to be part of one of the most best art community in Kansas City!
I am thrilled to be part of one of the most best art community in Kansas City!

-‘Seen/Unseen,’ Awarded Five Weeks Artist in Residency, Kala Art Institute, Berkeley, CA 2016 www.kala.org/air/air_parentartists.html

-‘Blessing,’ Opening at the ‘ACE Art Foundation Gallery as a completion of Art Residency & Showcase Program, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2015 www.proyectoace.org/en_hye_young_shin